All of these happened in the north part of Peru where the Amazon river is. The city is called Iquitos. Jungle boy's Dad used to live in the city and he worked as an elementary school teacher. He worked hard to be able to graduated from college. He did not have a dad and he had to work hard in the fields to support mom. Jungle boy's Mom used to live in the Jungle(3 days away by boat from the Iquitos City).
The education department sent Dad to teach in a small village in the Amazon where he was able to meet my mom. Both of them got in love and decided to get married and then they sent dad to work in a village called Bellavista in the Amazon River. There mom and dad were able to have 4 kids and most of my memories started right there. I remember a a lot of things about that place. It was a small village with 300 people including kids. The houses were built from material that they got from the jungle. The roofs were built from palm trees leaves and the floor and also from palm trees which it was the log. the houses were built high enouhg so that they need a ladder to climg in order to get home. The reason why they did this, is because in the high season of the water, the water covers very much the whole entire village that they transport themselves in canoas( floating little boats). Bellavista was in a hill that very rare water would cover it. We used to live next to the school. My dad was the teacher, the principal and the main authority in the school. I t was fun to have my dad as a teacher for us. He was not that easy but we passed the classes and also grades.